Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Getting Creative - Day 8

There were some family issues today; of the medical variety. Those issues are better for now, thankfully. However, I feel I need to tell everyone: Take care of your self!

As writers we often get so wrapped up in the juggling act that is life & writing that we forget to take care of ourselves. For me, it's come down to making a to-do list on all busy days. (read- days I don't crawl out of bed to write and eat. All other days are busy.) Which is wonderful when you think about it - we have moonbeams we are actively pursuing that make our lives exciting.

On the flip side. We're BUSY. So sometimes we forget to take care of us.
I don't mean in the eat, drink, daily hygiene sort. That is obvious (even if we've forgotten to eat breakfast and it's 2pm).
I'm thinking more about little things we should do to treat ourselves so we don't get so run down in bad times. Like when a family member gets sick and you're sitting at a hospital looking like it was one of your Crawl Out Of Bed And Write Days, and it WASN'T. Yeah, makes you feel like someone should take more of an interest in their self, and that someone is you (meaning me).

Today I decided to make myself a creative little reminder.

This past christmas the kids and I all got each other Smash books. Mine and Babygirl's were sold in a set (pink spine), while I purchased Little Man's book (green spine) and supplies individually. This is relevant, because if you bought the set it had a nifty travel size Smash book.

While sitting with my mom today, I used my travel Smash book to make a list of things that I need to start making time for.
For example: watch youtube videos on styling hair in quick, new ways. play with make-up until I find a fun, easy routine (hasn't happened since I was 19? 20?). drink a TON of water and eat more fresh fruit and veggies.

None of these things are immediately life saving by any means, nor super important (i.e. hair, make-up), but they're things that I know will make me feel better about the care and keeping of me. You know?

If you have no idea what a Smash book is, check out this video:

Fun, right?

And see other Smash Stories here.

Word Count*: 773

*As an aside from yesterday's post, I'd like to say that although my process involves getting out that first draft as quick as possible (so I can start doing the real work - for me - in revisions), I am by no means trying to write it in 2 weeks now. So my word count will vary, as I'm drafting this WIP day by day. 

Happy writing, y'all!

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